

    The 2017 World Captive Forum (WCF) was held in Boca Raton Florida from January 29 to January 31, 2017. SL FINANCIAL, Inc. attended the conference both as customer representing one client’s captive insurance company and service provider of actuarial consulting services for captives. Here is a brief overview of the sessions we have been able to attend:
    1. “Sharing Economy” Risks: presented new opportunities for captives to provide more efficient risk-transfer structures for their parent companies
    2. Captives in Emerging Markets: provided an in-depth analysis of some key issues facing captives across the developing captive markets of Latin America and Asia
    3. Captives for Cyber Risk Exposure: explored the issues and challenges associated with incorporating captives into cyber risk management program i.e. first- and third-party cyber exposure
    4. Micro Captives – The Pros and Cons of 831(b)s: provided pros and cons of micro captives (i.e. captives formed under Section 831(b) of the IRS code)) along with examples of uses and abuses of the technique
    5. Reinsurance Markets and Strategies: presented an overview of the reinsurance market in 2017 along with case study of use of reinsurance to lower the insured’s total cost of risk by entrepreneurial captive
    6. Cell Structures: explored important issues facing cell captives
    7. Using Captive Data: presented examples of some innovative ways captives are using data and explore opportunities for more advanced application of captive data analytics
    8. Round Tables: virtually all subjects of sessions were further discussed in round tables and networking sub-groups
  • Captive Tax Issues
  • Captive Investments
  • New to a Captive
  • Emerging Market Captives
  • Micro Captives – 831(b)
  • Adding Benefits to a P/C Captives
  • Medical Stop Loss Captives
  • International Issues
  • Multinational Benefit Networks and Pooling
  • Reinsurance
  • Doing More with Your Captive
  • Health Care Industry Captives
  • Cell Structures
    For more information please feel free to contact our Principal/CEO at asime@sl-financial.com or post a comment on our blog.

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437 Bird Road
Coral Gables, FL 33146
    Achille Sime

    Fellow of the Institut des Actuaires France (FIAF)
    Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA)
    Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA)
    Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA)
    Affiliate of the Casualty Actuarial Society (AFFI CAS)